ISBR 2025: Relevant topics and keywords

Call for proposals to organize a TOPIC-SPECIFIC PARALLEL SESSION or WORKSHOP

Science communication:   

Advancing social license, public perception, science communication and a science-based understanding of bio-innovation.  

Capacity building 

Opportunities, challenges and advancements in global capacity building and knowledge-building for emerging technologies and bio-innovation. 

Sustainability and food security 

Leveraging bio-innovation for improved climate, sustainability, and food security.  Understanding the socio-economic considerations of emerging technologies.   

Risk Analysis 

Risk analysis, risk assessment, risk communication, and risk management for bio-innovation.  Examples include hazard assessment, exposure assessment, problem formulation, data transportability, etc. 

Global regulations, policy, and governance 

Exploring the global landscape of regulations, policy, and governance of bio-innovation.  

Genetically modified (GM) crops   

Scientific advancements, challenges, and regulatory considerations related to genetically modified crops.  Examples include food, feed, and environmental safety assessment, integrated pest management, new-product offerings, etc. 

Genome editing in plants:  

Scientific advancements, challenges, risk assessment, and regulatory considerations related to genome editing in plants, including Plant Breeding Innovation (PBI), New Breeding Techniques (NBTs), New genomic techniques (NGTs), etc.   

Gene Drives 

Scientific advancements, challenges, risk assessment, and regulatory considerations related to gene drives and super-mendelian inheritance. 

Animal Biotechnology 

Scientific advancements, challenges, risk assessment, and regulatory considerations related to animal biotechnology, including gene edited animals, genetically modified animals, etc. 

Agricultural biologicals 

Scientific advancements, challenges, risk assessment, and regulatory considerations for agricultural biologicals, including genetically modified microbes, gene edited microbes, as well as other microbial, biochemical, semiochemical, and biological-based solutions.    

Other Bio-innovation 

Other bio-innovation topics highlighting scientific advancements, risk assessment, or regulatory considerations.  Examples include industrial biotechnology, synthetic biology, genetics-based health biotechnology, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in sustainable bio-innovation, etc. 

Important Dates

December 15, 2024

Open call - Student scholarships

January 15, 2025

Open call - Abstracts for oral presentations and posters

March 15, 2025

Call for Student scholarships closes

April 15, 2025

Call for Abstracts for oral presentations and posters  closes

November 2, 2025

Symposium begins